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HHES 2019-2020 Positive Behavior & Support Plan
Hernando Hills Elementary School
Posted On: Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Hernando Hills Elementary

PBIS 2019-2020




PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Support)

What does it mean?

PBIS is designed to recognize the positive behavior of students. The entire staff at HHES will take the responsibility to teach positive behavior expectations to students. Students will know what is expected of them. We will implement dining expectations, school wide classroom consequences, playground expectations, bathroom rules, weekly rewards, monthly rewards and an end of year reward. We will also still do student morning announcements. This is exciting!

Our school wide rules will be ROAR! ROAR clipboards travel to each activity with their class. The class role is listed for the activity teachers so that they may take attendance as well as give feedback for behavior issues that may arise.






School Wide Classroom Consequences:

GREEN- Begin day

YELLOW- Warning

ORANGE- 10 minutes of walking at recess (rainy day= reflection journal)

PURPLE- 20 minutes of walking at recess AND contact parent

RED- OFFICE with our teacher write-up form

*Be sure not to double punish for the same incident


Dining Expectations

Silent until seated Only take what's needed Touch only your food Quiet and peaceful is the mood. Finished with your meal? Clean up with great zeal, So the lunchroom will have lasting appeal!

(This is on a banner hung in our cafeteria)


Playground Expectations

1. Use all equipment properly

2. Use only school provided equipment (No balls unless preapproved by teacher)

3. Friendly and fair play

4. Rocks remain on the ground at all times

5. No outside balls

6. No tag

7. No football

(These rules are posted beside doors that lead out to the playground. Teachers also go over the rules with their class.)


Bathroom Expectations

1. No playing

2. Clean up what you mess up

3. Flush the toilet

4. Leave nothing on the floor

5. Wash your hands

(These rules are posted in each bathroom. Teachers also go over these rules with their class.)



Green all day = 1 TIGER TICKET for each student. At the end of the month, students will spend their saved tickets. Rewards are:

Shoes off for the day=15 tickets

Bring a stuffed animal for the day=15 tickets

Show and tell=20 tickets

Desk swap for a day=25 tickets

Extra recess time=35 tickets

Lunch with Principal and Assistant Principal=40 tickets

Breakfast with special area teachers=45 tickets


Tiger Shout Out

Staff will nominate students to receive a “shout out” for good behavior, etc. One student per grade will be recognized over the intercom each Friday. Staff will also nominate each other to receive a “shout out” to be announced over the intercom each Friday. The winners will have their picture taken and put on the D hall bulletin board along with their “shout out.” Tiger “shout out” forms for students and staff will be available outside of Sayle’s office.


Awards Day

Students who have stayed on green the entire year will earn a ribbon on Awards Day.